Thursday, June 16, 2016

Meet the Editor

(Not terribly comfortable reading English? Try Google Translate's Swedish or Norwegian versions.)

I have a very good friend I need to introduce you to...
He will edit this because my grasp of English grammar is not up to his standards, and Swedish is his first language.

First, he is my very good friend of almost 16 years. We knew each other PK (that's pre-kids). We were both married and he worked at a Fortune 500 train company with my husband in Jacksonville (the job is why we moved here). We bonded, because:

Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's Not Just Me

I have not used this blog as I had initially intended to do. I guess I see it as another stress. I think about parts of my journey that I really want to share because it's therapeutic for me to write about it and there have been a few instances where I have helped others and that always feels good.

SO, as I learn on my own journey; I really want to share, possibly helping others and I want the feedback from fellow "Lupies" because we can only encourage each other and comfort each other. Well... I haven't done a great job. However, in the last few months I have become much closer friends with a girlfriend I met in college. Ironically, I'm fairly certain we took "Criminal Law" together at FSU (the irony should be clear later) and we were put into a study group with 2 Florida highway patrol officers. That was our only connection in college. Then thru the magic of FaceBook, we reconnected many years ago and we've become very close virtual friends. One strong bond we have is that Kelly also struggles with Lupus.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Too Tired for a cute title

So, I haven't written a blog in almost 2 years.  I had this huge goal of sharing my journey and this was to be a great outlet for me, but I lost my "mojo."  I had a few setbacks and about 18 months ago I had a hysterectomy.  Then I had a nice long period of remission.  My theory was, why wake the dragon?  If I don't talk about it, maybe it will stay "remissed." Apparently "remissed" isn't a real word, but I declare; it means to stay in remission.  But alas, my monster has reared its ugly head.

David and I went on our annual cruise without the kids in February, and I got sick.  I usually get sick (when not in remission) from the anxiety leading up to a trip, and the actual travel involved in getting to the ship (in most cases it's a cruise).

Inside the "London Eye" with David, the boys and
my parents, September 2013